Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^646) Beta-blockers, in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 324tBereavement overload, 401Bereavement. Benzodiazepines, 408–412Benzisoxazole, 487–489Behavior, disruptive. Biochemical factorsaction of, 409nursing implications of, 519–520nursing diagnoses related to, 519and bereavementsedative-hypnotic use of, 511–513, 511tinteractions of, 514action of, 487adverse reactions and side effects of, 488contraindications and precautions for, 487–488route and dosage for, 410–412interactions of, 488route and dosage for, 489–490examples of, 513troute and dosage for, 514–515adverse reactions and side effects of, 409contraindications and precautions for, 409examples of, 408t–409tinteractions of, 410example of, 487t^ ●^ SUBJECT INDEXSee Grief response; Grieving, complicated; Loss See Disruptive behavior disorders
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 646 2506 Subject Index 639 Bipolar disorder, mania, 146–159Biofeedback, 576Biological factors, in paraphilias, 203- 68 DSM-IV-TR classifiin dysthymic disorder, 126movie(s) involving, 160nursing diagnoses and interventions forin pain disorder, 177in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 320in substance-related disorders, 78in Tourette’s disorder, 43in attention-defiin abuse and neglect, 311in bipolar disorder, 146defiin anxiety disorders, 163in borderline personality disorder, 278–279 2 .indisturbed sensory perception, 155–156disturbed thought processes, 153–155imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, d nition of, 145d 152–153 646 cit/hyperactivity disorder, 26 cation of, 603–604 1 10/1/10 9:41:57 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 41 : 57 AM

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