Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Blood dyscrasias, sedative-hypnotic-related, 520Borderline personality disorder, 257–294, 276Body mass index, 221Birth temperamentBody image, disturbed, nursing diagnoses and interventions forBody dysmorphic disorder, 177Blood transfusion, HIV disease with, 331Black cohosh, 372tin eating disorders, 229–231nursing diagnoses and interventions forin separation anxiety disorder, 48in conduct disorder, 27in antisocial personality disorder, 295predisposing factors in, 146–147in obesity, 231–233in somatoform disorders, 183–185symptomatology of, 147–148substance-induced, 147defiimpaired social interaction, 157–158injury risk, 148–149self-/other-directed violence risk, 150–152disturbed personal identity, 290–292complicated grieving, 286–288anxiety, 285–286insomnia, 158–159 nition of, 278 SUBJECT INDEX ●^647
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 647 506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Brief mental status assessment, 622–623Bowlby model of grief response, 392–393, 553t–556tBrain, alterations inBrief psychotic disorders, 106Bulimia nervosa 2 .inin psychotic disorders, 107in Tourette’s disorder, 43nursing diagnoses and interventions forInternet references on, 234–235predisposing factors in, 278–280movie(s) involving, 235symptomatology of, 280–282in abuse and neglect, 312defidd self-mutilation risk, 282–284disturbed body image, 229–231self-/other-directed violence risk, 282–284anxiety, 228–229defiimpaired social interaction, 289–290low self-esteem, 292–294 nition of, 219 647 cient fl uid volume, 224–226 1 10/1/10 9:41:58 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 41 : 58 AM

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