ImpulsivityInattention. Identity disorder. Ineffective coping, nursing diagnoses and interventions forIleus, paralytic, antiparkinsonian agent-related, 508Immune response, in AIDS/HIV disease, 329Impulse control disordersIdentifidissociative, 192symptomatology of, 258in borderline personality disorder, 282in disruptive behavior disorders, 35–37identity, disturbedin adjustment disorder, 243–245defiin anxiety disorders, 169–170DSM-IV-TR classifiin attention-defiInternet references on, 263nursing diagnoses and interventions forpredisposing factors in, 257–258categories of, 256–257other-directed violence risk, 258–260ineffective coping, 261–263movie(s) involving, 200self-mutilation risk, 260–261 nition of, 256 cation (ego defense), 546tSee Attention-defi cit/hyperactivity disorder, 26See also cation of, 607 Gender identity disorders; Personal cit/hyperactivity disorderSUBJECT INDEX ●^659
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 659 2506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Infancy. InhalantsInfection, in HIV disease, 330 2 .inin psychotic disorders, 114–115in separation anxiety disorder, 51–52intoxication with, 83use/abuse of, 74, 77t, 83in somatoform disorders, 181–183in substance-related disorders, 94–95in impulse control disorders, 261–263in psychological factors affecting the medical condition, feeding and eating disorders of, DSM-IV-TR classifiin eating disorders, 226–227in dissociative disorders, 193–195disorders fidd 267–269autistic disorder, 20–25^596 mental retardation, 15–20Tourette’s disorder, 42–48DSM-IV-TR classifi 659 See also rst diagnosed in, 14–15 Newborns cation related to, 595–597 cation of, 1 10/1/10 9:42:00 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 00 AM