Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^660) Internet referencesInsomniaIntermittent explosive disorder, 256Intelligence quotient, defiIntellectualization (ego defense), 546t–547tInjury risk. Alzheimer’s disease, 70nursing diagnoses and interventions foralcohol use/abuse, 104adjustment disorder, 255abuse and neglect, 318–319antidepressants, 446antianxiety agents, 416antidepressant-related, 442nursing diagnoses and interventions foranorexia nervosa, 234–235antiparkinsonian agents, 510amphetamines, 537stimulant-related, 534^ in bipolar disorder, 148–149in dysthymic disorder, 142–143in mental retardation, 16–17in bipolar disorder, 158–159in substance-related disorders, 86, 90–92in correctional facilities, 367–369in psychotic disorders, 122–123●^ SUBJECT INDEXSee also Violence, risk for, self-/other-directed cit in. See Mental retardation
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 660 506 Subject Index 639 - 68 bulimia nervosa, 234–235complementary therapies, 389depressive disorders, 144disorders fiattention-defidissociative disorders, 200eating disorders, 234–235forensic nursing, 369gender identity disorders, 217HIV disease, 340homelessness, 347impulse control disorders, 263loss and bereavement, 405mood disorders, 159–160mood-stabilizing drugs, 471anxiety disorders, 175nursing, 4obesity, 234–235personality disorders, 309psychiatric home nursing care, 357antipsychotics, 501autistic disorder, 53 2 .indd 660 rst diagnosed in childhood, 53 cit/hyperactivity disorder, 53 1 10/1/10 9:42:00 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 00 AM

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