d. Online Oil contamination monitoring System –
A plug in sensor which can mounted on the oil path or oil containing tanks
which can measure online Tan Delta Number (TDN) and Oil temperature etc.
and send the real time data to PLC or mobile or cloud PC etc. It will continuously
analyses oil condition and reports oil condition every two seconds. The oil
quality change sensitivity detection of 0.01% (100ppm) with accuracy margin
of +/-0.5%
These sensors can be suitable for all mineral, semi-synthetic or synthetic oils,
including fuels (diesel & biodiesel)
The sensor output can be given to direct PLC, Field Display and to remote cloud
PC with online software for expert analysis.
16.4 Conclusion
INDUSTRY 4.0 technologies that could transform manufacturers operations is on
the rise.
Considering the above technological development in Automation major advantages
of digitization are as follow
- It helps you improve and boost your performance and save time.