7.1 Objective:
To analyze the cost of building Reverse Air Bag House in case of using air slide
conveyor vs chain conveyor for the dust transportation.
In Cement Plants, for the dedusting of Kiln & Raw mill RABH or ESP is installed.
The dust collected in ESP or Bag house is being further discharged in hot dust bin
either through chain conveyor or air slide mechanism. Both systems have some
advantages & disadvantages, briefly described as under:
7.2 Baghouse Discharge with Air Slide
In Projects, the process considered through requirement discharge by air slide
to hot dust bin. This was considered based on less maintenance in air slide. This
requires min “8” degree inclination for proper movement of material, the height
of the RABH building increases because of this inclination, thus resulting in higher
Building cost.
Fig 1 explains about the RABH with Air slide process,:
7.3 Baghouse Discharge with Reddler Conveyor (Chain Conveyor)
The ref Project considered in which was designed by using Reddler conveyor
system (Chain conveyor) for the RABH dust discharge. In this system during Plant
operation the cost of maintenance work is high as compared to air slide system.
Hence the operation cost gets increase in this case whereas the chain conveyor
requires no inclination, this reduces the cost of building.
Fig 2 explains about the RABH with Reddler conveyor system