Description FLSmidth KHD Humboldt
Thyssen Krupp
Type of Technology
Hot Disc PyroRotor Prepol - SC
(Step combustor)
Key Benefits
- Flexibility to use a
wide variety of alter-
native fuel qualities - High substitution
rates with difficult
alternative fuels
(e.g., whole tyres) - Controlled emissions
- Robust technology,-
maintaining high kiln
availability withalter-
native fuels- Flexibility to use
a wide variety of
alternative fuel
qualities - High substitution
rates with difficult
alternative fuels
(e.g., whole tyres) - Due to the
complete recir-
culation of the
fired material, a
significantly short-
er residence time
is required in the
therefore higher
fuel throughput
possible - Fuel transport by
proven rotary kiln
No mechanical mov-
ing parts in hot area.
- Flexibility to use
1)Flexibility to use a
wide variety of alter-
native fuel qualities
2) High substitution
rates with difficult
alternative fuels (e.g.,
whole tyres)
- There is a high risk
of sticking, as the
tires do not circu-
late on the hot disc
(rubber Compound).
This results in
process disturbanc-
es and increasing
pressure loss- Overall pressure
drop will be high
across precalciner
due to bigger size
structure hence
Preheater fan
power con-
will increase
comparatively- Poor possibility to
influence the res-
idencetime. Only
with fuel feed rate
and time sequence
of shock blower
- Poor possibility to
- Overall pressure