technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1
Description FLSmidth KHD Humboldt

Thyssen Krupp

Type of Technology

Hot Disc PyroRotor Prepol - SC
(Step combustor)

  • Transport principle
    is unsuitable for
    burning difficult fu-
    els. No active mixing
    of air & fresh fuel

  • Mechanical parts for
    fuel transport are
    directly in contact
    with hot and chemi-
    cal aggressivegases.
    Also the disc is an
    integral part of the
    system and needs to
    run continuous.

  • Less flexibility of the
    Hot Disc and risk
    of blockages with
    increasing pressure
    drop and reduction
    of AF throughput.

  • Due to its design
    and placement
    location in pre-
    heater its capacity
    has a limitation in
    case of higher TSR

    • Increase of un-nec-
      essary air to the
      kiln system. Block-
      ages of air nozzles
      by melting fuels
      and slags.

    • Meal will
      „ extinguish
      “the combustion
      reaction. Fuel is
      covered by meal.
      A lot of unburned
      will drop into the

    • High consumption
      of “expensive
      A lot of additional
      leakage air to the
      process with dis-
      advantages in heat
      balance and there-
      fore on clinker pro-
      duction rate. Fre-
      quent blocking of
      nozzles (arranged
      on the floor)
      resulting in
      maintenance work
      (cost factor!)

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