technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

  1. ESP Fan shall be designed with AQC Boiler and its ducting pressure drop.

  2. AQC Boiler dust conveying philosophy shall be finalized along with cement

  3. AQC Boiler MCC shall be accommodated with cement Cooler MCC.

  4. Hot Air Recirculation system shall be designed with 100% Recirculation air and the
    cooler connected fans shall be selected with 150 Dec.C Mechanical temperature.

  5. Cooler shall be designed for minimum Clinker temperature with HAR as per
    Clinker conveying system.

  6. Sufficient space for erection machinery movement.

1.7 Basic Plant Design Concept – Process & Mechanical Design:

  1. AQC Boiler shall be designed to utilize maximum heat available from Cooler hot
    air gases after due consideration of secondary & tertiary heat requirement and
    Cement mill drying heat requirement.

  2. Dual tapping designed for AQC Boiler inlet heat and their key advantages are:

  • Segregation of higher-grade heat by suitable tapping in cooler body to generate
    higher steam temperature

  • Higher HP steam generation with respect LP generation helps to enhance the
    Power Generation.

  • Lowering the LP steam generation, reduced loading on condenser

  1. Bare final Super heater tubes and lesser fins density (2 FPI) in Primary SH modules
    for better reliability.

  2. Inbuilt de-duster arrangement to avoid dust carry over into Boiler system.

  3. Lower flue gas velocity design envisaged in ducting (12 m/sec) and in Boiler (6
    m/sec) for lower pressure drop and better reliability.

  4. Pressure drop across (tapping to tapping) the system is limited to 100 mmwc.

  5. Lesser steam temperature & pressure drop design from Boiler outlet to Turbine

  6. LP steam system design envisaged to extract maximum lower grade heat

  7. MOC: -T 11 & P11 grade tubes & pipes for steam temperature more than 420 Deg C

  8. High sealing efficiency & superior grade MOC (99.9% for GD with SS 310/SA 516)

  9. Calcium silicate insulation of steam piping (Amb+15 Deg C skin temperature)

  10. Refractory in AQC inlet duct, Deduster & hopper without external insulation
    (Amb+20 Deg C) for lesser temperature drop and better reliability.

1.8 Basic Plant Design Concept – Reliability

  1. Sacrificing Tubes and angles considered in AQC De-duster, to increase Pressure
    Part life.

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