technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1
quantity shall be considered for recirculation on the concept of zero vent loss.
System is designed with Hot Air Recirculation (HAR) to increase Mid tap-I
temperature. With this around 3 to 4 kwh / ton of clinker gross generation will
increase and net generation of 2 to 2.5 kwh/ ton of clinker will increase. In case
of 9500 tpd, 1.2 MW (gross) and 0.8 MW (net) will increase.

  • At midtap-1&2 the refractory lining will be selected in such a manner that wearing
    of the duct and temperature loss will be minimized. LC 60 and LC 45 wear
    resistance castables are used including calcium silicate block and in between
    insulite material Like INSUL-07 will be provided for better insulation to maintain
    the skin temperature of amb+20 Dec.

  • Ceramic fiber insulation shall be selected for HP section and adequate thickness
    of LRB for LP Section to maintain the skin temperature of amb+15 Dec.

  • In AQC boiler SS 310 MOC with min 20 mm flap thickness guillotine damper
    (inching regulating type) shall be provided at mid tap-1 inlet duct to preduster.

  • SS 304 MOC regulating type multilouver damper to be provided at mid-tap-2
    inlet duct along with SS 304 MOC guillotine damper for isolation to intermediate
    stage of AQC boiler.

  • 01 Nos SS 304 MOC Multilouver damper will be provided at Boiler bypass duct.

  • 1 nos SA 516 Gr 70 MOC of guillotine damper to be provided at the boiler outlet
    for isolation purpose.

  • Sealing efficiency shall be 99.9% for GLD and 98% for MLD across the flaps.

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