The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Value ofDevotion. 109

liberation,they will shortly passinto the class


able, will then be able, with added force, to

drawtheirdevoteesafterthem. Lovegivento

them strengthens and expands the nature of

their lovers, and there is no surer path to

devotion,in its highest meaning, than the love

andtrustgiventotheearthlyGuru. Nowhere


where the love and service of the Guru have


Muchof the decay of modern Indiaisdueto

the ignorance, the pride, the unspirituality of

those who still wear the ancient name while

devoidof allthe qualities once implied byit



soisthe degradation of the highestthe lowest

How shall devotion, then, be evoked and

nourished? Onlyby meeting in the outeror

inner world a fit object of devotion, and by

yieldingfullyandunreservedlytothe attraction

itexercises. The gladand cordial recognition

of excellence wherever found,the checking of



torecognisehisGuruwhen heappears. Many

aonemisseshisteacher bythe mental habitof

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