The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

110 TheSpiritual Life.

fixingtheattentiononblemishesrather thanon

beauties,byseeing only the sun-spots and not

theSun. Furthertherecognitionof excellence

showsthecapacitytoreproduceit; sympathetic

vibrations are given outonlybya string tuned

to produce by itself a similar note; the soul

knowshiskin,even though theybeelderthan

himself, and only those akin to greatness are



is made, the first great step is taken. Then

follows the steadycultureof devotion to him,

and through himtoThose beyond and tothe

SupremeSelf, manifestedin form. This must

neverbeforgotten,forthe Guruisameansnot

an end,a transmitter not an originator of the

divine light, a moon not a sun. He helps,

strengthens,guides, evolves his pupil; but the


theSelfwhoisone,andisin Guru and chela


Devotion to the embodiment of the Self


increased by reading and meditating on His

sayingsand the incidentsof His life onearth,

itisagood planto read overan incident and

then vividly picture it in the mind,using the


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