The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Spiritual Darkness.^119

shares his solitude. The human faces that

smiledonhimhavevanished; thehumanvoices

that cheered him are silent: the human love

thatcaressedhimhasgrownchill. His"lovers

and friendsare putawayfrom" him; and no

wordsofcomfort reach him across the deadly

stillness. To moveforward,when theground

on whichthe footmust be plantedisinvisible,


adullsurgingof wavesatafardepthseemsto

threaten destruction, while their verydistance

belowintensifiesthenearersilence. Heavenis

shutoutaswellas earth; sun,moon andstars

havevanished,and noglimmeroftheirradiance

pierces the gloom from above. He feels as

though suspended in an abyss of nothingness,

andas though hewould shortlypass intothat

nothingness himself; his flameof life seemsto

flickerin the darkness,as though,in sympathy

with the universal gloom,it would itself cease

to shine. The "horrorof great darkness" is

upon him, paralysing every energy, crushing

everyhope. Godandmanhave desertedhim

  • heisalone,alone.

Thetestimony of everygreat mystic proves

thatthispictureisnotoverdrawn; thereareno

criesof human anguishmore bitter than those

whichwailout fromthe pagesonwhich noble

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