Spiritual Darkness. 129
strengthens his power,and becomesfitto bear
heavier burdens, fit to bear the gloom of the
of God and man,in which he seems flung to
theDark Powersthattheymayworktheirwill
uponhim,inwhich lifeisonlytorture,andthe
anodyne of loss of consciousness is craved.
Then comes the subtle alluring temptation
"comedown from the cross"; and heknows
that nothing holds him stretched thereon save
thenailsof his ownfixed purposeandindomi-
table will; at any moment he can bid the
torment cease,if hebewillingtoescape atthe
cost of theworld he has sacrificed himself to
help. If heescape,the world must suffer; if
hecanbeartheagony,the burdenof humanity
is a little lifted. "He savedothers; himself
hecannotsave." Thegibeoftheunbelieveris
his fortitude is rent awayfrom him, and the
all the anguish is in vain, that he is beaten,
overpowered, and all his hoped-for service to
the world is but the "baseless vision of a
dream." NeveragainshallheservehisMaster
in joyful obedience; never again shall weary
soulsbe gladdened bythe light he bears; he