The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

130 The Spiritual Life.

has taught others to tread the Path, but has

himself fallen from it; he has preached on

everlasting love, and behold! love itself has

abandoned himandleaveshimtosmkintothe

abyss. Canheholdout throughthis? canhe

still bless the good, while evil triumphs over

him? canhebecontenttoperish,ifthatbehis

karma? canhestillrejoicethattheworldshall

besavedthough hebearno partin thesaving,

and joythat loveshall triumph though he be

outcast from its embrace? If hecannot,then

thedarknesshasstifled him,andtheworldhas

for a while lost a helper. If he can-then,

withthatuttermost surrender of the separated

self,thedarknesslifts; theeternalSelfwellsup

withinhim; theFaceof his Mastershinesout

and heknowsthat He has beenthereall the

time; ina momentof clear spiritual vision,he

seesthrough therentveil the Holyof Holies,

where abides "The Heart of Silence, the

Hidden God," and the pinions of the white

peaceenfoldhim. Thenbrief restinthecalm

stillnessof the silent sealed cave; the coming

forth into a new and largerlife, with deeper

wisdom,firmer faith,strongerlove; thegreater


still heavierstrain. Above all hehas learned


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