136 The Spiritual Life.
mywillbut thine be done"; the secondstage
iswherethesense of unityisfelt: "I andmy
Fatherare one." In thatmanifestationof the
spirituallifewehavethe idealwhichunderlies
the deepest inspiration of the Christian sacred
writings,and it isonly as "the Christ is born
inman," touse the Christian symbol,thatthe
trulyspirituallifebegins. Thisisverystrongly
pointedoutinsomeof the Epistles. S. Paul,
writingto Christiansand nottothe profane or
heathen-to those who have been baptised,
whoarerecognised membersof theChurch,in
a daywhen membership was moredifficultto
gain than it is in these later times-says to
them: "Ye are not spiritual: ye are carnal."
And thereason he givesforregardingthemas
carnalandnotspiritualis: "Ihearthattherebe
divisions amongyou"; forwhere thespiritual
befound. And the second great stageof the
spirituallifeisalsomarked out inthe Christian
scriptures,asinall the other greatworld-scrip-