The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Theosophy and Etkics. 161

whichbringsusultimatelytotriumph? Nature

is conquered by obedience, and the divme is



innature. Stresshasmorethanoncebeenlaid

onthis inourmeetings,butnottoomuch stress

hasthereonbeenlaid. Foritistheveryobject,

the desire,of ourworkthat brotherhood shall

become practical in society, and it will never

becomepractical untilmenunderstand thatitis

a law, and not only an aspiration. It is a

common experience that when men have dis-

covered a law of nature,they no longer fight

againstit. They at once accommodate them-

selves to the new knowledge. They at once

adapt themselvestothenewly-understood con-

ditions, and in that very way have preached

brotherhood. And yet brotherhoodis but so

littleknowninourWesternWorld! Isitnot

possiblethat men have disobeyed,not because

theydonot recognise the beauty of the ideal,


necessity, and the failure of every effort that


Brothers inourbodies bythat interactionof

physical moleculesof whichourBrother Judge

has alreadyspoken; brothers in our minds by

that interaction of mental images and mental

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