Theosophyand Ethics. 167
But all this is not new. There is nothing
new save the words that clothe it, nothing
newsave the garment that is woven round it.
Wehavehad all this as ourpriceless heritage
for millions of years, and yet we have not
recognised our treasure. Every great teacher
of Religion has taught what here I feebly
repeatto-day. Everygreatonewhohascome
morality has spoken the same language, has
Turn tothe scriptures of theworld andsee
howonemoral nutrimentisfoundinall. Will
you go to China, Lao-tze will teach you the
law of love,and teach you the very doctrine
familiarinyourowncreed; forLao-tze,speak-
ingsix hundred years before Christwasborn,
laid down that law of curing evil by good.
Yes,wehave not yet learned the onlylawof
Peace. "The untruthful," he said, "I will
meetwithtruth,as I meetthe truthfulalso. I
willmeet the liberalwith liberality, I willmeet
the illiberalwith liberalityalso. ThefaithfulI
will meetwith faith,the unfaithfulI will meet
withfaithalso. Iwillcurethemiserbygener-
osity, I willcuretheliarbytruth."
So, as from the lips of a Chinese teacher,