The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

168 TheSpiritual Life.

exactlythe same thought, whenin thetenfold

system of duties Mano put forgiveness of in-


So, six centuries before Christ, the Buddha

repeatedthe lesson-"To himthatcauselessly

injures me 1 will return the protection of my

ungrudging love. The more evil comes from

him the more good shall flow from me."

Exactly the same lesson flows from the lips


onthe Mounthebidshisdisciples"Loveyour

enemies, bless ihem that curse you, do good

to them that hate you, that youmay be the


hissunlight on theevil and on thegood, and


The Voice is one, whether from Jew or

Buddhist, whetherfrom Hindu or Chinaman,

thewordsarewell-nigh one,thespirit isiden-

tical. What wantwe, then, of newmorality,

while the old remains unfulfilled? Why ask

fornewteachingwhentheold issohighabove

our accomplishment to-day? it may be that



future cycle of evolution, some morality un-

dreamed of to-day, some ethic more noble,

more sublime, more pure, maycome from the

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