The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Thco»ophy andEthics. 169

lipsof someGod toman. Wearenot ready

forsuchteachmg, weare notyet preparedfor

such Instruction, Enough for us the ancient

lawof love,foruntilwe havefulfilled that,no

otherhorizoncanopen beforeoureyes.

And so,atthislastofoursessionalmeetings,

weclosewith that withwhich westarted,the

law of a divinelife that bringsall thingswith

it,the law of a divmelove that isthe guiding


Bornofthespirit,we gotowardsthe Spirit.

Bornof thedivinelove,weliveuntilthat love

isperfectedin us,andwhenthat love is made

perfect, what lips of Man may syllable, what

brain of Man may conceive, what further

heights of beauty,what furtherdepthsof joy,

what furtherpossibilitiesofillimitableexpansion,

liebeforethosesoulswhoselifeisonewith the

divine. Boundtothefeetofdivinity,theylast

as long as it. Boundless as deity itself, no




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