The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

TheSupreme Duty.^177

thereisnoman however obscure,who has not


of the world. As he thinks, thoughts from

himgoout to mould the thoughtsand livesof

othermen. Ashethinksthoughtsof loveand

gentleness, the whole reservoir of love in the

world isfilled to overflowing; and as hecon-

tributes to them, so everyday is formed that

public opinion which is the moulderof mens


Sothat in this everyone has share, so that in

thisallmenandwomenhavetheirpart. Your

thought-powermakes youcreativeGods in the


is thus that the race climbs upward to the


Not alone in the physical noralone in the

mentalsphereisthisconstantserviceof manto

be sought; but of the service of the spiritual

sphere,no words of platform oratorycan fitly

describe its nature or its sacredness. That is

theworkthatis donein silence,without sound



musthave learnedtheperfectionof the service

inthelowererewe dare aspiretoclimbwhere

the spiritual workisdone. What,then, isthe

outcomeof such suggestion,what the effect in

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