178 TheSpiritual Life.
life of such philosophy applied to the life of
eachasit ismadeormet intheworldto-day?
Surelyitisthatweshouldthinknobly. Surely
itisthatourideals should be lofty. Surelyit
isthatin ourdailylifeweshouldeverstrikethe
highest keynote, and thenstrive toattune the
struck. Accordingtotheidealthewillislifted.
heworships. Let ussee,then,thatour ideals
be lofty. Let us see that what we worship
shall havein itthepowerthat shall transform
usintotheimageoftheperfect man; thatshall
transmute us into the perfect gold of which
humanity shall finally consist. If you would
helpin that evolution,if youwould bearyour
truth; truth in every thought and act of life.
Thinktrue,otherwiseyouwillactfalsely. Let
nothing of duplicity, nothing of insincerity,
nothingof falsehoodsoil the innersanctuaryof
spotless, and the radiance of the eternal truth
shall makeyour lives strong and noble. Not
onlybetrue, butalsobepure,foroutof purity