The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

180 The SpirituftlLife.

fashionof carryingon the outerlife. Butifit

werepossiblethatasinthedaysofoldin Egypt

and India theverygods themselveswandered

the earth as men, and taught the people the

highertruth, trained the people in the higher

life,conveyed to the people the higher know-


and thatwe should bedegraded by sittingat

theirfeet to learn? And if you couldweave

into yourmodern life that feelmgof reverence

forthatwhich is purest,noblest,grandest; for

wisdom,forstrength, forpurity,till the passion



wouldbesecure. Thenyourfutureasapeople

would beglorious,andyoumenandwomenof


to the divine possibilities which every one of

you has hidden in hisown heart? Whygo


Whygo onlytothe dustwhen the sunsends

down his beamsthat onthose beamsyoumay

risetohisveryheart? Yoursisthe future,for

youaremakingit to-day,andasyoubuild the

templeof yournation,asyou hope that in the

days to come it shall rise noblyamongst the

peoples of the earth andstand as pioneer of


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