The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

TheSupreme Duty. 179

true, whatever words describe It. Only the

pureinheartshall have the beatific vision, for



Andthen add to these ideals of truth and

ofpurityone thatislackinginourmodern life,

the ideal of reverence for what Is noble, of

adoration for that which is higher than one's

self. Modernlifeisbecomingpettybecausewe

are not strong enough to reverence. Modern


menfear that theywill sinkif theybowtheir

heads to that which is greater than they are

themselves. 1 tell you that worship of that

whichishigherthanyourself raisesyou,itdoes

notdegradeyou. Thatthefeelingofreverence

isa feeling that liftsyou up,it does not take

you down. We have talked so much about

rights that we have forgotten that which is

greater thana man's rightwith himself. Itis

thepowerof seeingwhatisnoblerthanhe has

dreamedof,andbowingintheverydust before

ittill itpermeates his life and makes him like

itself. Onlythosewhoareweak are afraidto

obey; only those whoare feeble areafraid of

humility. Democrats we are in our modern

phrase, and with the world of to-day as we


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