The Use of Evil.
(jl Lecture hy Jlnnie Besani,deliveredin India
in 1894 or 1895.)
IWIY BROTHERS,—Iamtospeaktoyou
^^^ this evening on a problem which has
tasked the intellect of man for thousands and
thousandsof years,andwhichisstilldiscussed
to-day,asthoughithad neverbeen considered
before, withasmuch energyandeagernessand
with as much interest. That it remains un-
solvedstill isshown bythe continuanceof the
discussion andbythis unwearied turnmg to it
of themind of man. Manseemsinstinctively
teach lessons of value and importance, if it
could be understood, and that behind the
**Mysteryof Evil"thereishiddensomeprice-
I do not pretend that I am going to solve
this immemorial problem, but^1 hope to lay
before you certain considerations which may
throwlight uponit, if youapplyyourselvesto
thinking over them. And in order that you