The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Use ofEvil.^183

may carry them more easilyin your mmds I




TheOriginof Evil.

2. TheRelativityof Evil.

3. TheUseof Evil.

4. TheEndingof Evil.

UnderthesefourheadsI hopetoshow you

thatevil isanecessary part of manifestation, a

necessarycondition of manifestation, andorigi-

nates v/ith manifestation. That also it does

not exist absolutely, in and by itself, but is

relative, relative in that it exists in relations


and also because it varies w^ith time, w^ith

succession of events, and with the progress of

the universe. Then I hope to showyou the

purposes it subserves, the uses it fulfils, and,

lastly, how we may escape from it, how we

may,bythe use of evil,break the bonds that

tie us to the wheel of birth and death; how

althoughliving inthe world,we maylivein it

without generating Karma, and so, to use a

well-knownphrase,mayburn upKarmainthe

fire of Knowledge. Following thesedivisions

underwhich 1 shall arrange the details,^1 may

beabletogivetoyourminds,themindsof the

rising andeducated youth of India,ideasthat

maybeworthy of your consideration,inorder

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