The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Use ofEvil. 193

lead towardsthe poleof Spirit. Thegrosser

side of manifestations of the One Life is that

whichwe describe as matter. Nowthere are

twopolesmmanifestationtheform sideorthat

ofmatterontheonehand,and the life sideor

thatof Spiriton theother. Theyarethetwo

opposite aspects of the one Eternal Life, and


dualaspects goingoutwardstocause diversity,

and when the limit of diversity is reached,

drawing inwards to reintegrate the diverse

separated units into a mighty and enriched

unity. The outward-going life seeks diversity

andmaybe saidtherefore to tend to the pole

of matter; the inward-going life seeks unity,

andmaybesaid thereforeto tend to the pole

of Spirit. Hereis a truththatthe thoughtful

shouldponderover, if wetakegoodtomean

all that isworking in harmonywith the Great

Law, and evil to mean all that is working

against it, then qualities now regarded, and

rightlyregarded, as evil-selfishness, desire for

material gain, etc.-would have been good

during the "descent into matter,"as only by

thesecould diversitybe obtained,whereasnow

theyareevilasretardingthe processofintegra-
tion,as checkingthe inward-flowingtideoflife

towards the pole of Spirit. Thus again we

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