The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

194 The Spiritual Life.

realisetherelativityofevil, andunderstandthat

aqualityv^hich at onetimew^as good,as sub-

serving the progress of the universe, becomes


sweep of evolution,andwhen persisting intoa

stage higher than that to which it belonged,

it retards the progress which once it had


Evolution,on itsreturningpath,isunfolding


mattermore and moreplastic,moreand more

delicate, more and more complicated in its

organisation, until by its very complexity its

equilibrium is so unstable that it takes very

easily shapes of various kinds under impulses

fromwithin and becomesa mere graceful gar-

ment in which life is expressed, until, finally,

matter is nothing more than the subtle form



on new shapes with the different impulses of

the out-going and in-coming life; and this is

evolution. When man begins to understand

whatevolution means, he then regardsevery-


the lines of harmonywiththe purposesof the

universe, and thereforewith being nowon the

side of greater and greater integration, of the

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