The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

206 TheSpiritual Life.

the condition of perfection would be absent

without evil, and the presence of evil in the



Normustweforgetas a fundamentaluseof

evil theevolution of the powerto discriminate

betweengoodandevil,and thus ofvolition,of

choice. HowshouldwedistinguishTruthsave

by discerning it as different from that which

isnottrue? Howshouldwelearnitsvalueif

wedid not findfromexperiencethedestructive

effects of falsehood, in man and in society.

"A"isonlybroughtinto consciousness bythe


to the definition of the former in the mind.

So our mind would remainablankas regards

Truth,wecould notrealiseit,cogniseit,define

it, save as distinguishing it by its differences

from not-Truth. And so with each virtue,

with good inits totality. Onlybyrecognition

ofevilcanweknowgood. Andtorecognition

of evil,experienceof evilisnecessary.
Usefulalsoisevilasascourgethat drivesus

to good. For as evilisdiscordance with the

evolvingforcesof the DivineLifein manifesta-
tion, it must result in pain. Pain verily is
discordantvibration. Thereforeevil inevitably

bringssuffering as aresult, not byan arbitrary

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