The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The UseofEvil. 207

penalty but by an inherent necessity. And

suffering gives rise to a feeling of repulsion

towards the cause of suffering, and so drives

man aw^ay from the side of nature which in-

harmoniouslyand tumultuouslyis plunging into

disintegration, and carryingwithit theperson-


Inthemightystreamof DivineLifethatcircles

as a universe all men are carried along; but

one current whirls downwards all monstrous

and disorderlygrowths,that they may bedis-

integrated into the rough materials for a new


all that are moulding themselves into orderly

expressions, and that by making themselves

vehiclesof the Lawshareitspermanenceasan

essential manifestation of the One Reality. 1

said, when dealing with pain, that 1 would

show you how it was possible that this evil

which wesee around us and recognise asevil

mightgraduallylose overusitsretardingpower

astheGodmusevolves outwardlyand fillsus

v/ith strength. Remember that theline along

which I havebeenleading youwillenableyou

tolookwith understandingand,therefore,with

absolute charityon all the formsof evilwhich

surroundyou; you will seein them inevitable

imperfections; if you see the human Soul

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