The PerfectMan. 253
hisministry,that theabandoned and thepoor,
the desperateand the degraded, come to him
without the sense of separation. Theyfeel a
welcoming sympathy and not a repellmg; for
kindness radiates from his person, and the
love that understands Hows out around him.
Truly the Ignorant know not that he Is an
evolving Christ, but they feel a power that
raises, a lifewhich vitalises,and mhis atmos-
abrief moment ofpeace,of glory,ofIllumina-
tion, symbolised In Christian writings by the
Transfiguration. ItIsapauseInhislife,abrief
cessation of his active service,ajourneyto the
and there-side byside withsome who have
recognised his evolving divinity-that divinity
shines forth for a moment in its transcendent
beauty. Duringthislullinthecombat hesees
his future; a series of pictures unrolls before
his eyes; he beholds the sufferings which he
before him, the solitude of Gethsemane, the
agonyof Calvary. Thenceforth his face isset
steadfastly towards Jerusalem, towards the
He understands that ere he can reach the