The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

258 The Spiritual Life.

Because the Son must know himselfto be

one with the Fatherhe seeks, must find God

not onlywithin himbut ashisinnermost self;

onlywhenheknowsthatthe eternalis himself

andhetheeternal,ishe beyondthe possibility

of the sense of separation. Then, and then


a conscious part of the upliftingenergy.

The Christ triumphant, the Christ of the


nessof death, has known all human suffering,


divinity. What now cantroublehispeace,or

checkhis outstretched hand of help? During

hisevolutionhelearned to receive into himself

the currents of human troubles and to send

themforthagainas currentsof peace andjoy.

Within the circleof histhenactivity, this was

his work, to transmute forces of discord into

forces of harmony. Now he must do it for

theworld, for the humanity out of which he

hasflowered. TheChrists andtheirdisciples,

eachinthe measure of hisevolution,thuspro-

tectandhelp theworld,andfarbittererwould


of humanity, were it not for the presence of

these in its midst, whose handsbearup"the


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