280 The Spiritual Life.
up mere copies of the elder people around
them, we should see them growing up as a
thatevennowarewithin. Alasforthe igno-
rance that encourages the evil and discourages
on the eyes of our people, so that they are
Whenweturn from thesideoflove tothat
ofwisdom, wefind thatwith the expansionof
consciousness on the astral plane a complete
change must occur. The methods of science
will be altered,the old methods that already
arebeginningto beoutwornwill be cast aside
in favourofkeener andsubtler tools,allscien-
tific men using these better instruments ofthe
astralsenses in order to studyandunderstand
the pheomena of the physicalas wellas those
of the astral world. I have only time to
indicate a few of the newmethods that will
thencomeintocommon use,butabriefindica-
tion will show you howwide is theirscope;
andI trust thatyour President,whoissowell
able to do it, will ere long deal with this
subject in detail in a way that I cannot do,
touchingitbutinpassing. Takemedicalscience,
andimaginethedifferencein certaintyandpre-
cisionwhen thedoctordiagnoses byvisionand