The Future thatAwaits Us.^281
traces the action of his drugs by astral sight;
neither the physician nor the surgeon will
be shut out by the surface of things as they
are to-day, but every doctor will see exactly
what is at fault and will apply his remedies
Or take the methods of chemistry. The
chemist will no longer theorise, but will see;
his"atoms" willno longerbepossibleabstrac-
tionsbut thingsthatcan beeasilyexaminedand
traced;^ allcombinationswillbe studiedwith
astral vision, stage after stage watched and
followed; he will test, dissociate, combine,
vision,and hewillmanipulatehismaterials by
thenewforcesathiscommand. Inpsychology
how changed will be the methods when the
mind lies before the psychologist as an open
book; insteadofspeculatingonmindinanimals,
drawing inferencesfrom their actions, guessing
attheirmotives, hewillseethe wayin which
the animal is thinking, the strange world that
dawns on the animal intelligence-aworldso
different from ourownbecause the standpoint
from which it is seen is so different. Then
*See the article on "Occult Chemistry" in "Lucifer,"