The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

SpiritualLifefortheManoftheWorld. 25

should you bring it forth? The ideal comes


form,andineveryoneof youthereissleeping,

asitwere,the Divineimage,and yourworkis

tomakethat image manifest,and thenyouare

thespiritualman. Comewithmetothestudio

of some great sculptor, not a mere marble-

chipper, but one of those geniuses who show

themarble living,andtheidealinspotlessform.

Howdoes that manwork? Doyouthinkhe

iscarvinga statue outof the marble? Heis

doing nothingof the kind. He issettingfree

a statue within the marble, and cutting away

the superincumbent, useless marble that hides

from theeyesof man thebeauty of theideal

thathesees. (Applause.) Thatisthesculp-

torof genius; in the rough block,which isall

thatyouand I canseewith ourpoor eyes,he

sees the perfect statue imprisoned within the

stone,andwitheveryblowof mallet,andwith

every deft touch of chisel, he brings that
prisoner nearerto freedom,his ideal nearer to

manifestation. Andsowith youandme: we

are roughblocks of marble aswe livehere in

the studio of the world, rough, unhewn, so

manyofus,and thedivinitywithinusishidden,

asthestatuewithintheblock. AndyouandI

aresculptors,and byourlifethatstatueistobe


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