The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

On Some Difficultiesofthe Inner Life.^51

crowd round him? whence these mutterlngs

andwhisperingsasof devilsinhis ear? They


to be his; can he really be the fatherof this


Onceagainanunderstandingof thecauseat

work may rob the effect of its sharp poison-

tooth, and deliver us from the impotence due

to ignorance. It is a commonplace of theo-

sophical teaching that life embodies itself in

forms, and that the life-energy which comes

forth from that aspect of the Self which is

knowledge moulds the matter of the mental

plane into thought-forms. Thevibrations that

affect the mental bodydetermine the materials

that are built into its composition, and these


thechangesinthevibrationssentforth. If the


thematerialswhich answeredtothose previous

workings gradually lose their activity, finally

becomingeffetematterand beingshakenoutof

the mental body. A considerable number of

stages, however, intervene between the full

activity of the matter constantly answering to

mental impulses and its final deadness when

ready for expulsion. Until the last stage is

reached it is capable of being thrown into

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