The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

52 The Spiritual Life.


withinorfromwithout,andlong aftertheman

has ceasedto energiseit, having outgrown the


vibration,madetostart up asaliving thought,

byawhollyexternal influence. Forexample:

aman has succeeded in purifyinghisthoughts


impure ideas nor takes pleasures in contem-

plating impure images. The coarse matter,

which in the mental and astral bodiesvibrates

undersuch impulses,is nolongerbeingvivified

byhim,and the thought-formserstcreated by

him are dying ordead. But he meets some

one in whom these things are active, andthe

vibrations sent out by him revivify the dying

thought-forms, lending them a temporary arti-

ficial life; theystart upas the aspirant's own

thoughts,presenting themselves as the children

of hismind, and he knows not thatthey are

butcorpses from his past, re-animated by the

evil magic of impure propinquity. The very

contrast theyafford to his purified mind adds

to the harassing torture of their presence, as

though a dead body were fettered to a living

man. But when he learns their true nature,

they lose their power to torment. He can

lookatthem calmlyasremnantsof hispast,so

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