The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

54 TheSpiritual Life.

of births and deaths. Theaspirant cries out

eagerly: "Howmuchcan I do,whatprogress

can I make,duringmypresentlife?" There

is no such thmgas a"present life"; thereis

but one life-past and future, with the ever-

changing moment that is their meeting-place;

ononesideof itwesee the past,ontheother

sidethefuture,anditisitself asinvisibleasthe

little piece of ground on which we stand.

There is but one life, without beginning and

without ending, the ageless, timeless life, and


incidents of births and deaths delude us and

ensnare. These are someof the trapsset for

theSelf bythelowernature,whichwouldfain

keep its hold on the winged Immortal thatis

straying throughits miry paths. This bird of



it,andsetsnarestoholditprisoner; andofall

the snares the illusion of Time is the most


When a vision of truth has come latein a

physical life, this discouragement as to time is

apt to be most keenlyfelt. "I amtoooldto

begin; if I hadonlyknown this inyouth,"is

thecry. Yet trulythepath'is one,as thelife

isone,andall thepathmust betroddeninthe

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