On Some Difficulties ofthe Inner Life.^53
that theycease to be poisonersof hispresent.
Heknowsthat the life in themisanalienone
andisnot drawn from him,andhecan '*wait
with the patience of confidence for the hour
Sometimes in the case of a person who is
tion is caused deliberately by those who are
selvesagainsttheGoodLaw. Theymaysend
a thought-force calculated to stir the dying
ghostsintoweird activity,with the set purpose
of causingdistress,evenwhen the aspiranthas
passed beyond the reach of temptation along
these lines. Once again the difficulty ceases
when the thoughts are known to draw their
energyfromoutside and not frominside,when
themancancalmlysaytothe surgingcrowdof
impish tormentors: "You are not mine, you
arenopart of me,yourlifeisnot drawn from
mythought. Erelongyouwillbedeadbeyond
possibility of resurrection, and meanwhile you
are but phantoms, shades that were oncemy
magician Time, past-master of illusion. He
imposeson usa sense of hurry, of unrest, by
masking the onenessof our life with the veils