
(Barry) #1
Index 303

education, 22–25, 222
college, 177–178, 185–186, 190, 208–
209, 260n.26, 262nn.46–55
elementary, 24, 54–56, 176–177, 185,
190, 246n.39, 256n.21, 261nn.40–45,
graduate, 51, 186, 188
high school, 177, 185
legal, 5, 26–30, 214
ellipsis, 150
emotion, 21, 27, 58, 95, 99, 120–128, 197,
237n.100, 246n.41
empiricism, vii, 4, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31–35,
237n.100.See also realism; sociolegal
entextualization, 45, 216, 242n.8,
epistemology (worldview), 98, 223,
capitalist (commodification), 6, 100,
132–134, 205–206, 207, 212–214,
cultural, 17–21, 23–24, 30
legal, 3–6, 14, 67–69, 80, 95, 105, 110,
131–136, 213–217, 226n.16, 226n.10,
230n.15, 239n.121
linguistic, 14, 17–25, 30, 131–132, 152,
Erlanger, Howard, 236n.90, 250n.4,
essentializing, 140, 202, 208–211, 249n.8

facts.See legal facts
Felstiner, William, 29, 32, 227n.3, 227n.6,
228n.8, 235n.81, 239n.6, 246n.41
filter.See language: as filter
Fineman, Martha, 15, 139, 228n.9,
229nn.13–14, 253n.2
footing, 59, 104, 107, 109–110, 112, 126–
127, 129–131, 135–137, 246n.42,
Frohmann, Lisa, 33, 235n.81, 239n.8
Frug, Mary Jo, 228n.9, 269n.1

Gal, Susan, 20, 216, 232n.38
Garth, Bryant, 28, 238nn.110–111,
253n.40, 258n.39, 274n.53
Gee, James, 24, 50, 51, 176, 233n.51,
233n.59, 234nn.60–61, 260n.13
Geertz, Clifford, 238n.122, 239n.1

gender, 23, 33, 120, 208–209, 211
gendered lives, 15, 229nn.13–14, 253n.2
and language, 173
and law, 229n.11, 238n.116
and legal education, 4, 26, 202–203,
236n.90, 263nn.59–66 (see also
participation: and gender)
and sex, 229n.12
genres, 19, 26, 29–30, 50, 142–144, 162,
legal, 60, 77, 79, 210, 247n.43 (see also
case law genre)
Goffman, Erving, 104, 233n.45, 246n.42
Goodale, Mark, 238n.117, 274n.53
Gooding, Susan, 239n.121, 240n.13,
Goodwin, Charles 19, 231n.29, 232n.35
Goody, Jack, 233n.52
grammar, 17–20, 63, 149, 230n.21,
231n.27, 231n.30, 272n.42
Granfield, Robert, 210, 239n.123,
250nn.1–2, 250n.5, 259n.2,
264nn.66–67, 269n.10
Greenhouse, Carol, 29, 227nn.2–3,
239n.121, 274n.55
Guinier, Lani, 27, 174, 187, 188, 237n.101,
259n.1, 260n.31, 264n.67, 264n.70
Gulati, Mitu, 179, 259n.8, 260n.34,
264n.66, 276n.64
Gumperz, John, 19, 231n.29, 232n.35

Hantzis, Catherine, 228n.9, 236n.87
Harris, Angela, 229n.12
Hastie, Reid, 250n.18
Heath, Shirley Brice, 1, 24, 225n.2,
232n.37, 233n.51, 234n.62, 239n.2,
Hill, Jane, 232n.35
Hirsch, Susan, 29, 214, 216, 226n.6,
227n.2, 234n.68, 235n.81, 238n.115,
238n.118, 270n.22, 272n.43, 273n.48,
history, 13, 48–49, 63–64, 169, 238n.116,
of legal education, 26–27, 235n.82,
holding (legal), 28, 62, 72–73, 80, 112
humor, 68–69, 116, 153, 154, 162–163,
178, 181
hypotheticals, 65, 73–74, 77, 81, 108, 126
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