Microsoft Word - vulcanguide.doc

(C. Jardin) #1



(This is not a comprehensive guide and is meant only as an introduction.)


Ahkhinahr -- ancient training to become a battlefield psionic warrior
Dwemish ni-an -- training: "isolation of identity"
Enok-kal fi-lar -- training: processes of definition
Eshak -- "eschak", destructive psychokinetic effects
Fal-tor-pan -- refusion of body and katra
Foshinahr -- ancient training to become a defensive psionic warrior
Ikapirak -- meditation: "closed posture"
Ke-ta-yatar -- ancient fighting style designed to kill
Ke-tarya -- an ancient fighting style
Koh-nar -- "k'oh-nar", the feeling of being completely exposed in some manner
Kohl -- an emotion-purging mind-exercise
Kohl-tor -- to meditate (Vulcan-style)
Kolinahr -- rigorous training program at Gol to purge oneself of all emotions
Loshirak -- meditation: "open posture"
Nahr -- discipline
Nashinahr -- ancient training to become an offensive psionic warrior
Ni-prazh -- stoic, displaying no emotion(s)
Olozhika -- logic
Orensu -- student, pupil
Pid-trensu -- high master
Pihlora -- "pyllora", counselor, guide (anc.)
Psthan -- search, quest, hunt
Pthak -- fear, phobia
Savensu -- teacher
Sele-an-t'li -- secondary level of adult discipline (anc.)
Shaukaush -- passion(s)
Shaula -- self-control, reason(ing)
Sochya -- peace
T'san s'at -- a process of eliminating emotions (anc.)
Ta'a -- "taal", traditional Vulcan hand salute
Tal t'li -- first meditation of adult training
Tehrai -- goal
Tela'at -- elder (title of respect for advanced age Kolinahru)
Tren'es -- mastery
Trensu -- master
Tu-lan -- Vulcan breathing exercise
Tvi-sochya -- inner peace
Vedrah prah -- acceptance and negation of pain and discomfort (anc.)
Venlinahr -- normal state of adult discipline

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