Microsoft Word - vulcanguide.doc

(C. Jardin) #1


Ap-Lau -- a place of eternal peace, "heaven" (anc.)
Bogozh -- a place of eternal punishment, "hell" (anc.)
Dva -- belief
Dvatai -- doctrine, principle, tenet
E'shua -- demon
Eglus -- religious shrine (anc.)
Fa-wak-glansu -- prophet
Faul -- sacred stone (anc.)
Gol'nevsu -- acolyte, helper
Ha'su -- angel, "one of light"
Hamlan -- "The Great Oasis", a concept of paradise
Katra -- the living essence of a Vulcan, a combination of soul & memory
Kator-dva -- spirituality
Korsovaya -- salvation
Odva -- religion
Oekon -- God, The Supreme Being
Ofereiksu -- The Creator (ie, God)
Osu -- holy person, saint
Ozhit -- "The Word", holy scriptures
Reldai -- female religious leader, ruler or princess (anc.)
Ri-fainu -- the Unknown
Sha-ka-ri -- mythical source of creation (anc.)
Tam'a -- ghost, spirit (anc.)
Trufemu -- martyr
Ven-dol-tar -- philosophy (anc.)

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