Appendix B 373
4 Electricity Account #766BI22-601 Consumption (kWh)
Baseyear – Post-Retrofit + Adjustment = Savings
Energy Use
Jan 12,200 – 10,200 + -1,200 = 800
Feb 9,600 – 11,200 + 2,320 = 720
Mar 8,800 – 7,800 + -200 = 800
Apr 4,400 – 4,800 + 1,280 = 880
May 3,800 – 5,100 + 2,120 = 820
Jun 1,200 – 500 + 120 = 820
Jul 800 – 400 + 23 = 423
Aug 600 – 300 + 48 = 252
Sep 1,200 – 400 + 41 = 841
Oct 4,400 – 3,800 + 140 = 740
Nov 6,600 – 5,400 + -290 = 910
Dec 8,400 – 9,000 + 1,400 = 800
Total 62,000 – 58,900 + 5,706 = 8,806
Note that in this example the savings reported are for operations un-
der post-retrofit period conditions. Therefore the savings can be called
“avoided energy use.”
Option D Example: Calibrated Simulation Multiple ECM Project
An energy efficiency project was implemented in a university li-
brary building, involving four ECMs spanning lighting, HVAC, operator
training and occupant awareness campaigns. The building is part of a
multiple building campus without individual building meters. As part
of the energy management program steam, electricity and electric de-
mand meters were installed on the main supply lines to the library. The
objectives of the project were to reduce energy costs in the library.
M&V Plan
An M&V Plan was developed showing that Option D was to be
used for savings determination because baseyear data did not exist for