Energy Project Financing : Resources and Strategies for Success

(singke) #1

374 Energy Project Financing: Resources and Strategies for Success

the library on its own. An outline of the Plan is shown below:

  • The boundary of this project was defined as the total energy use
    of the library as it affects the main campus energy and demand
    purchases, assuming:

— a pound of steam at the library requires 1.5 ft^3 (0.04 m^3 ) of
natural gas at the campus heating plant’s gas meter,

— a kWh of electricity at the library requires 1.03 kWh of electric-
ity at the campus electricity meter, and

— a kW of demand at the library is coincident with 1.03 kW of
electric demand at the campus electric demand meter.

  • The baseyear conditions are those of the 12 months immediately
    preceding the decision to proceed with the project, 1999. Light
    levels were surveyed during this period and recorded. However
    the library use and occupancy is assumed to be the same in the
    baseyear and post-retrofit periods.

  • No baseyear energy data exist so it will be simulated using DOE-2
    software, version 2.1 calibrated against actual meter data from the
    first year of post-retrofit operations.

  • The common set of conditions selected for use in the energy use
    terms in Equation 1 consists of the library use and occupancy in
    the first year of the post-retrofit period, and the weather condi-
    tions of a “normal” year for the city, as published by the National
    Renewable Energy Lab in 1989.

  • Recordings were made of the following load and operating condi-
    tions during the post-retrofit period:

— turnstile data, producing hourly occupancy data for each hour
of the year, averaging a peak daily occupancy of 300 persons;

— a library open hours: 8: 00 AM to midnight, seven days a week,
except for statutory holidays when it is closed;
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