Appendix B 375
— operating staff measurements of space temperature and hu-
midity at twenty five locations, mid morning and mid after-
noon on the first day of each of the 12 months; and
— continuous power draw on the 120 volt circuits supplying li-
brary equipment, for five typical days and a statutory holiday.
A total of 801 kWh/occupied day was recorded and an hourly
profile was developed for typical occupied and unoccupied
- the input file of data including assumptions and the above mea-
sured data were printed and saved electronically for use by any
other person. - ABC consulting engineering firm designated J. Smith as the profes-
sional engineer to conduct the simulation and calibration because
of his experience in this field. - The intended savings calculation process shown below was sum-
marized in the M&V Plan. - Savings are to be computed after the end of the first post-retrofit
year. To ensure that savings remain in place the building oper-
ating staff will regularly report the status of the key operating
parameters which were used in the calibrated simulation model.
If operating conditions change, the savings will not be adjusted
since they are computed at a fixed set of conditions.
— Savings are to be determined using the following marginal
prices derived from the respective energy supply contracts:
electricity consumption = $.079 1 /kWh electric demand =
$9.93/kW-month steam = $14.23/10^3 lbs ($31.34/10^3 kg)
- This savings determination process is expected to require a con-
sulting professional engineer one month to set up and calibrate
an appropriate simulation model, costing about $20,000. A review
of the work by DEF consultant is planned and may cost a further