1/ In two-point perspective the drawing
theory is very much the same. The difference
is that the box or cube is set in a different
orientation to the picture plane – instead of
drawing a square in a facing position or
running parallel to the picture plane, as we
did in step one for the one point perspective
drawing. We instead draw a vertical line just
to the left or right of centre.
2 / Now put in the horizon line that, for the
sake of this example, makes this line cut
through the vertical line just above half way,
and it should travel from one end of the
paper to the other. For other practice
examples, you can be diverse as to where
you put the horizon line to experience the
dynamics of perspective space.
3 / Place two vanishing points on this line one
at one edge of the paper and the other at the
other edge of the paper.
4 / As with step four of the one point
perspective now draw a line from the top
and the bottom of the vertical to the
vanishing points on both sides. Again
accuracy is paramount in this type of
5 / You need now to visually place the back
ends of the box in. Do this by placing a
vertical line on one side of the original
vertical so as it fits between the converging