Pencil projects
lines and it gives the appearance of being
box shaped. Then repeat the process on the
other side of the original vertical. You will
now have created a box in a twisted
orientation using two-point perspective.
6 / As with the one-point perspective we need
to create the illusion of the back of the box.
To do this draw two lines from the far left
hand vertical to the vanishing point on the
right-hand side this is shown as a dotted line
in the example.
7 / Now do the same from the vertical line on
the right hand side. Draw two lines from the
top and bottom of this vertical that will
extend back to the vanishing point on the
left hand side.
8 / Finally, to finish off this drawing, all you
need to do is to draw a vertical line between
the two points at which they cross at the
back of the box.
It is possible, using the same process but
changing the vanishing points, to create
many boxes in different orientations on the
same picture. This process described here
has also been used in the observed
perspective drawing, but the vanishing
points and horizon line or eye level is found
through calculation from our observation.
5.. 6.