Fixatives are used to preserve charcoal
drawings. The fixative solution is applied with
a sprayer or an atomiser. It should be applied
to the drawing in fine coats to create the
desired effect. Fixative is a binder that holds
the loose particles of charcoal to the surface
of the paper. The most common form of
fixatives are diluted solutions of mastic,
shellac, or manila copal diluted in alcohol.
Nowadays, modern synthetic resins are used.
Charcoal that has been previously dipped in
linseed oil before use needs no fixing.
However, you lose the soft atmospheric
quality of the charcoal that is its main
characteristic. It is essential to fix your
charcoal drawing when you have finished it,
otherwise it will remain unstable and liable to
get damaged through smudging.
Charcoal is, as we have mentioned, a very
unstable material. Once applied to the
surface of the paper or support it can easily
be erased or smudged, especially
accidentally. When you are satisfied that your
charcoal drawing has reached a point where
you feel it is finished, it is important that you
stabilise the drawing immediately on to the
support. This is what is termed fixing the
Fixative is a solution that acts as a binder.
It seals the charcoal or the pastel on to the
support which is usually paper. If the drawing
is not fixed it will remain unstable and thus
liable to damage and disfigurement.
The fixative solution is applied by
spraying the solution evenly over the drawing
surface, using two or three coats very thinly
and allowing it to dry between coats. This
ensures that the whole surface of the drawing