corporate social performance, and
recruitment 280
corporate social responsibility:
and codes of conduct 499
and deWnition of 498
and multinational companies498 9, 503
Cortina, L. M. 312
Costco Wholesale Corporation344 5, 357 , 358
cost eVectiveness:
and employee motivation 58
and HRM goals57 8
counterproductivity, and selection procedures/
practices311 14
Cousins, R. 139
Cowherd, D. M. 353
Cox, A. 240 , 241
Cox, T. 255 , 261 , 510 , 515
Coyle Shapiro, J. 58 , 134 , 136 , 137 , 473 , 542
Craig, D. 33
Cramton, C. D. 517
creative destruction 71
Crewson, P. 473
Crichton, A. 331
critical incident technique 368
Cronbach, L. J. 558 , 565 n 13
Cronin, J. J. J. 435
Crooker, K. J. 595
Crouch, C. 327
Cully, M. 140
cultural diversity:
and convergence divergence debate512 13
and cross cultural research 51112
and globalization 509
and management practice511 12
and multinational companies 510 ,518 19
diversity management initiatives 520
employees in developing countries 523
expanded role of HRM managers521 2
future research on524 5
HRM practices519 20
HRM structure520 1
integrated approach to 516 , 525
managerial competencies522 3
performance appraisal/management 520
recruitment/selection519 20
universalistic assumptions523 4
and national culture 512
and performance 514
cultural intelligence 518
integrated approach to 516
knowledge sharing516 17
negative impact of514 15
positive impact of515 16
transnational teams517 18
cultural identity 510
cultural intelligence 518
and concept of 510
and deWnition of 510
and dynamic nature of 524
and eVects of 524
and organizational culture546 7
Curran, P. J. 570
customer satisfaction:
and complaint websites 440
and consumer backlash 444
and consumers’ expectations 441
and customer segmentation strategies441 3
and decline in 428 , 440 , 444
consumer reaction444 5
and impact of eYciency improvements 434
and importance of 429
and inXuences on435 6
and service climate 436
and service fairness 440
and service/manufacturing comparison 441
and survey on440 1
Cutcher Gershenfeld, J. 600
Czinkota, M. R. 522
Dacin, M. T. 173 , 175 , 177
Danford, A. 153 , 155 , 159 , 418
Daniel, T. L. 347
Danninger, S. 350
Darbishire, O. 233 , 242 , 407 , 417
d’Arcimoles, C. 92
Darlington, R. B. 555
Das, T. K. 377
Datta, D. K. 535 n 1 , 539 , 561
Davenport, T. 452
Davidson, R. 371
Davis, L. E. 187
Davis Blake, A. 399
Day, D. V. 373
Day, J. 109
Day, R. A. 109
De Cieri, H. 519 , 520
De Corte, W. 306
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