Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

Dundon, T. 231
Dunlop, J. T. 167 , 171
Dunnette, M. 35
Dunning, J. H. 493
Dunphy, D. 412
Dupont 22 , 294
Dutta, A. 329
Dutta, S. 101
Dyer, J. 461
Dyer, L. 3 , 51 , 52 , 59 , 63 , 93 , 94 , 99 , 178 , 389 ,
430 , 573

Eagly, A. H. 374
Earley, P. C. 512 , 517 , 518 , 522
Eaton, S. C. 611
and dominant focus of mainstream 70
and ‘engineering’ approach to 74
andWrm strategy 69
and HRM84 5
Cobb Douglas production function 77
internal labor market theory79 80
make or buy decisions76 8
methodological diVerences70 1
post war divorce between 33
renewed interest in37 8, 72
selection of practices76 8
and methodological individualism 70
and national diVerences:
employment systems81 2
varieties of capitalism82 3
and new institutional economics 79
and organizations 69
and personnel economics72 6
approach of 73
claims of 72
Cobb Douglas production function 75
incentive theory73 5
transaction costs75 6
and separation from moral philosophy 74
and theory of theWrm68 9
heterogeneity ofWrms 69
resource based view of 69 , 71
and transaction costs 79
Edwards, P. K. 150 , 155 , 156 , 540 , 542
Edwards, R. 118
Edwards, T. 495
Egan, M. L. 520
ego networks 453

Ehrenberg, R. G. 352
Eichinger, B. 604
Eilbirt, H. 20
Eisenberger, R. 135 , 347
Eldridge, J. E. T. 116
electronic performance monitoring
(EPM)370 1
Elger, T. 150 , 412
Elias, P. 330
Ellis, A. P. J. 200
Ely, R. 256 , 262 , 510
embeddedness, and HR practices 546
see alsosocietal embeddedness
emotional labor, and work content 191
employee behavior:
and deviance and counterproductivity
311 14
andWrm strategy 95
employee voice systems 231
and ability to aVord 247
and context of 233 , 247
and direct voice 232
fair treatment 233 ,237 8
framework for analyzing234 8
task based participation 232 ,234 6
upward problem solving techniques
232 3,236 7
and embedding at work238 41
assessment of 239
breadth of239 40
depth of240 1
implementation 239 , 240
and employee perceptions 241
and employer/employee interests in 247
and employers’ attitudes 241
and factors inXuencing 242
institutional/national context242 4
labor market and industrial relations 245
management style/supervisory skills245 6
product markets 244
technology/skill/staYng levels244 5
worker interests 246
andWrm performance246 7
and indirect voice231 2
and lack of deWnition 231
and manufacturing 409
and micro HRM 3
and New Public Management 477
and representative voice 238

628 i n d e x

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